Monday, December 30, 2019

The Factors That Influence Business Communication - 872 Words

People are always looking to innovate, create, and develop things that will move us forward into the future and we must learn to adapt to the evolution going on around us. An interesting topic that many people are curious and terrified about is the adaptation of work skills in the future. With technology advancements, human evolution, social technologies, and global interconnectivity evolving at a rapid pace, we must learn from these advancements, adapt them to our daily lives, and embed the core competencies into our workforce and communication. The future offers us new tools to use, but first we must understand them before we can use them. We will explore future communication trends in the workplace, how the trends relate to the four factors that influence business communication, and which trends are likely to affect a Human Resources career. The advancements in technology have always seemed to control the communication trends in today’s workforce. For instance, the developm ent of technology has brought electronic communication to the forefront with things like Email, instant messaging, Web communications, and voice and wireless technologies (Lehman, DuFrene, Walker, 2016). Future technologies that will affect communication trends are workplace automation, computational increases, new multimedia technologies, social media platforms and technologies, and global interconnectivity. Each of these will change the way we communicate at the workplace. Social media platforms,Show MoreRelatedEssay Business Negotiations 1648 Words   |  7 PagesNegotiations occur every day in the business and personal environments. Depending on one’s perspective, business negotiations may have more importance or personal negotiations may have more importance. However, business negotiations, and personal negotiations are intertwining. 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