Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Ethnography on Cambodian Americans - 903 Words

I chose Cambodian Americans for my target culture because it was a place I knew very little about. My ignorance of that side of the world is laughable to say the least. Cambodian American was a great choice because both the people and the culture are very captivating to me. While some Cambodian Americans become very westernized, accepting most of America’s cultural norms, some hold strong to their Cambodian traditions and way of life. Through Geert Hofstede’s Taxonomy, I will explore the dynamics of the Cambodian American culture. Through Identity, Hierarchy, Gender, Truth and Virtue I will attempt to describe a culture previously virtually unknown to me. I chose Hofstede’s Taxonomy over Bond’s because Michael Bond himself told me to.†¦show more content†¦While most Cambodian Americans are loyal to their own family units it is not uncommon for them to be hesitant about close interaction with strangers even other Cambodians. The hesitation that so me Cambodian Americans face when meeting with strangers is due to the fact that the Cambodian culture is one of high power distance. Hierarchy is determined usually by age or economic status. Social hierarchy of age is evident in the greetings. Depending on who you are greeting determines the type of greeting. If one were to greet someone who is Cambodian, they should do the formal put hands together and bow. At chest level to someone who is of the same age or status, at mouth level to a superior such as a boss and at nose level to someone who is an elder, such as a grandparent. (Vorani) If greeting someone who isn’t Cambodian, we just normally do the American â€Å"hi† while waving. It just really depends. For the Cambodian culture, we have to make sure we greet using again the hands together while bowing especially to those who are older than your parents. You also have to say a formal saying in Khmer but I forgot the translation for it in one must to refer them as â€Å"ming†, â€Å"bou†, or â€Å"orm†. This is based on both age and gender. (Eam) There is a clear delineation between superiors and subordinates and between the young and the old. (Serpa) While the Cambodian culture itself is more feminine there is a high level of respect paid to the men of the household. The

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